Sneak Peek
Our new Annual Inspirations catalog went live August 1, and I can’t wait to show you all the exciting things Close to my Heart has been working on for the past year. In fact, I'm SO excited that I'm going to give you a sneak peek at one of my favorite new products—another installment of our Make It from Your Heart™ pattern book series (and the crowd goes wild)!
Volume 3 of Make It from Your Heart is a real game changer. Why? Well for starters, it comes as a collection of loose, 3-ring hole-punched pages that fit inside any of our Everyday Life™ mini albums. You can rearrange or pull out pages anytime you want. Just think: you could pull out the page you need for an upcoming crop and insert it into your Everyday Life™ planner next to the day of the crop. How awesome is that? 
Also, this pattern book features 36 two-page layout patterns that use standard photos sizes (no trimming down photos over here, folks!). The layouts are organized by how many photos they use, so if you are looking for a layout that uses four photos, you can simply turn to that section and look at all your options.
We also have not one, but TWO pieces of artwork inspiration for each pattern! This is a great way to show off the creative potential of a single pattern, as you can in these examples:
Pattern 14
Pattern 26
In addition to these 36 patterns, this book features artwork inspiration that demonstrates how to incorporate additional photos into your layouts using our Pocket Plus™ Memory Protectors™…
This exciting new pattern book became available to order on August 1 (which was 12 days ago, but who’s counting?).
Get ready to snap up your own copy of Make It from Your Heart Volume 3. Gotta love scrapbooking made easy. You can order this great inspirational book on my website right now!
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